
Facebook PERFORMANCE 5 replaces POWER 5

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"The #POWER5 is obsolete, replaced by the #PERFORMANCE5".

Here's an important announcement from Facebook!

During its event a few days ago, the Performance Marketing Summit, at #Meta's headquarters in California, the group returned to a very important point concerning campaign optimization.


Facebook Power 5

This was the methodology recommended by Facebook to optimize its campaigns. It involved giving the algorithm a great deal of latitude.

1 - Use dynamic ads
2 - Use automatic placements
3 - A simplified account structure
4 - Set budgets at the campaign level, not the audience level
5 - Using auto advanced matching

Facebook Performance 5

Here are the new tips for managing your Facebook campaigns :
In the new context in which the platform is evolving, Meta has issued new Performance 5 guidelines to replace/complement the previous ones:

1 - Keep a simplified account structure

2 - Offer lots of creative and renew it to reduce the negative impact of advertising fatigue.

3 - Connect the Facebook Conversion API to enrich the data you transmit to the platform.

4 - Business Validation, i.e. carrying out Conversion Lift tests on campaigns to measure their effectiveness and the impact of your marketing on your sales.

5 - Use the Branded Content Ads This advertising format lets you use a creator's post to advertise to any audience. It's an interesting alternative to the targeting difficulties currently encountered on the platform since the IOS 14 update.

Of course, these points deserve a more detailed explanation. 

So we'll be coming back point by point in more detail in our upcoming posts this week.

In any case, although the platform group has taken a big hit this year, the announcements are really promising and the vision coherent!

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